Gordon and I went to the Pantages last night to see Six. We wanted to go to our favorite restaurant in the W Hotel, but it was being renovated. We were sent to the 12th floor–and it was great. Wonderful views. Enjoyed my glass of wine as we split a burger and fries (we never like to eat too much before a show; we tend to go to sleep). I didn’t know what to expect from Six. I knew it was about the six wives of Henry VIII. I wasn’t sure how they’d fit in the usual anti-American theme, but I was sure the creators would come up with something. That seems to be the thing in theater these days. Personally, I’m tired of it and I was ready to cancel our subscription. I’d rather watch I Love Lucy reruns than that crap. Boy, was I surprised when there wasn’t a hint of anti-American bile. Of course, it’d be hard to fit it in. Six is an all-woman show about a competition among the wives to see who suffered the worst when married to Henry. Each wife got to tell her side. And the actors were all great; all triple threats. Not a dud in the group. Kelsee Kimmel stood in for Khaila Wilcoxon, but I’d never heard of either of them, so I didn’t care. Kelsee was great as Katharine of Aragon. Storm Lever sang Anne Boleyn’s story (very sassy), Natalie Paris played Jane Seymore (the only wife who loved Henry, according to her), Olivia Donalson played Anne of Cleves (absolutely hysterical), Courtney Mack was a sexy Katherine Howard, and Gabriela Carrillo played Catherine Parr (great pop voice). Six is a pop/rock musical and the 4-woman band was terrific.
Not only was I not pissed off at the play, but this was the best night of theater I’ve spent in years. Great show. Go see it.