Two weeks ago, Bucky beat us out the front door. We didn’t worry much. He’d beaten us before and always came home safely. At nine that night I was in the backyard, calling his name and shaking the treat cannister. He roared around but refused to come in. I had a headache, so I went to bed early. Gordon tried to get him in at eleven, but Bucky refused to come in. Even treats didn’t work. We gave up on him and went to bed. We didn’t seriously worry about him. He’d done this before. We left the cat door open so he could come in when he wanted. We even put some treats down but Maggie ate them. She was perfectly happy to stay inside with the old folks.
The next morning there was still no Bucky. We didn’t seriously start to worry. Maggie had disappeared and missed breakfast. I called in her micro-chip number and reported her missing. She came tearing into the house at about noon. We speculated that someone tried to catnap her (she’s a gorgeous calico) but she got away. I notice she stays mostly in the back yard now. I called in Bucky’s number and reported him missing hoping we’d have the same result. No such luck. Tuesday morning, I searched the neighborhood, looking for a body. I checked the backyards and easements of the two houses to the right of us and the three houses to the left. I figured if a coyote got him, I’d find something. But there was no body or any evidence that there’d been a fight or a killing. I wondered if Bucky had been catnapped. It’d happened before to a cat we had named Fosdick (he was fearless and friendly and loved people). Fosdick was gone a month and we’d given him up for dead when he came tearing across the street and into the house. And he never went near people again. I’m still hoping that Bucky is trapped somewhere. I was disturbed when I put up fliers with a picture of Bucky and our phone number and they were immediately taken down. Who would do that unless they didn’t want Bucky found? But I don’t know. ..
So, I checked the local shelter and made sure they had his microchip number listed as missing. I don’t know what else to do.
We miss him. Maggie has to play with us and we’re not much fun. Bucky spent more time with Gordon than he did with me. He helped Gordon work and go to the bathroom. Bucky was involved. He played tag with me. I called it “Bucky, Bucky” and chased him around the house.
Bucky was probably the smartest cat we’ve ever had. We were so pleased that we provided the food and medicine that made him healthy. I still remember the shelter people advising me not to take him. They didn’t think he’d survive. He grew up to be gorgeous and personable. We miss him.
We’ve talked about getting another companion for Maggie. I don’t like to leave her alone when we travel. Our neighbor spent time with her when we left for 6 days but we can’t ask him to do that. He has enough in his life to do.
We looked at the available cats when we looked for Bucky at the shelter. I thought a yearling male would probably be best for Maggie, but Gordon thought two kittens would be best. Gordon loves kittens. We’ll see. I’m going to wait until July before making a decision. I still hope Bucky will come home–if he’s alive. I know he was probably killed by coyotes but without a body…who knows. He could still be alive. I hope so. But I’m prepared for the worst.